Exorism in Utero

Sometimes it takes a kid movie buff to save the block!

Bathed in neon greens and steely blues, the opening few minutes of Exorcism In Utero are spellbinding.  Silent and full of deep shadows and those cool neon colors, the audience gets to see as one boy, Peter O’Neill (Leonard Hoge), the pre-teen horror movie buff, gets terrified by the sights and sounds coming from across the street.  He climbs into bed and pulls the sheets over his head, trying to protect himself from the troubling sound of screaming, the sight of his neighbors kneeling in prayer with blood on their hands, and candles in the room.

"plays to its strengths thanks to its cast and its solid writing"

And then, to top it off, the strange kid next door, Charlie, waves at him.  Weird.

And that bizarreness is only just beginning as Peter is about to get a visit from Herma Frigg (Sam Bangs), a pregnant woman running from a bad relationship.  She’s house sitting for the strange family which Peter witnessed in the beginning of the movie, but when she discovers a magical ring in the basement, she finds herself possessed by something truly unnatural.  To escape it, she must find a connection to Peter, who is dealing with his own family drama, and, together, they must push back against that which dares to take her body over.

Expertly written and directed by Erik Skybak and featuring fine performances from Sam Bangs, Leonard Hoge , Steve Larkin, Stephanie Leet, and Calvin Morie McCarthy, this Breaking Glass Pictures release takes its 1980s-inspired horror to the next level with a clever script and some truly fine moments from cinematographer Carson Wright as a new horror hoodlum is revealed as The Necromancer. Exorism in Utero

Full of chilling moments, an atmosphere which never lets up, and nice nods to the films from the 1980s, Exorcism In Utero is simply a fun feature film which doesn’t disappoint.  This low budget movie plays to its strengths thanks to its cast and its solid writing as the supernatural situations take over and a rather suburban scenario gets rocked hard.  The film embraces the tropes of the horror genre and packs this effort full of supernatural sleepwalking, classic moments of bonding as Peter and Herma form an interesting connection, and a possession of a pregnant woman which is as much fun as it is frightening. 

And Peter, who is haunted by Herma, is left to figure it all out.  So what does a sex dungeon, a magical ring, a possessed pregnancy, and lots and lots of gray-soaked skin have to do with the solution?  Stay tuned to the craziness that Exorcism in Utero has to offer!

Released by Breaking Glass Pictures and October Coast, Exorcism In Utero will be available on all streaming platforms on May 23rd!

4/5 stars

Film Details

Exorism in Utero

MPAA Rating: R for strong/disturbing violent content, language throughout and some sexual references.
106 mins
: Erik Skybak
Erik Skybak
Allegra Sweeney; Calvin Morie McCarthy; Neil Green
: Horror

Memorable Movie Quote: "Do me a favor and don't go down there."
Breaking Glass Pictures
Official Site:
Release Date:
May 23, 2023
DVD/Blu-ray Release Date:

Synopsis: Herma Frigg, a pregnant woman running from a bad relationship, becomes possessed when she puts on a magical ring she discovers in the basement of the house where she is house sitting. Haunted by stranger dreams, she sleepwalks next door to visit Peter O’Neill, the pre-teen horror movie buff living next door in her sleep. As Herma’s body transforms and her mind deteriorates and Peter deals with family drama, these visits lead to an unusual bond between the two. But can Peter find a way to help Herma find a way out of her predicament and save her unborn baby?


Exorism in Utero