Written and directed by Dan Lantz, Alice and the Vampire Queen stakes a name for itself rather quickly with an unexpected rendezvous on an unnamed beach. With three unidentified men in black suddenly surrounding a bikini babe (Rachel Aspen who plays Madeline), she runs toward the closest hill, far away from them. Her fear is palpable. But the attack is quickly over . . .
. . . and with a “Burgers up!” announcement, we are drawn into the incredibly abusive relationship between a line cook and her boss as she - according to him - messes up a bacon cheeseburger. Big Joe (John Groody) is in the middle of a HUGE power trip and she’s sick of it, screaming in rage as she leaves the diner, quitting yet another job.
But it turns out, fate - arriving in the mysterious character of Charles (Graham Wolf) - has other plans for her.
Offered the chance of a lifetime, the scarred Alice Oldman (Shelby Hightower), finds herself the head chef for the Vampire Queen (Brenna Carnuccio) and her associates. But first, the Queen must find out why Alice’s old boss has the nickname of Big! And it’s a glorious death, too.
Straddling heavy themes like resilience, transformation, and the power of choice, Alice and the Vampire Queen comes across as masterfully relatable - even if we are dealing with the supernatural - as second chances become the main course for this redemptive horror film.
For those obsessed with cooking shows, Alice and the Vampire Queen is your treat of choice! Full of full-bodied tastebuds and solid (meaning practical fx) kills, this horror film shows Alice going straight down the rabbit hole as she meets the Queen of the Night!
Rising this February on digital, Alice and the Vampire Queen also stars Danielle Muehlen, Xavier Michael, Chris James Boylan, and Aaron Dalla Villa as they join the undead. Whether victim or co-conspirator, the acting in this low budget feature is largely on-point, providing Lantz the opportunity to address those bigger themes as cooking meets carnage.
Because Alice soon finds herself at odds with yet another mean-spirited boss, forcing her to confront not only the external threats posed by the supernatural forces at play in the club she finds herself working for, but also the internal demons she must conquer to forge her own path to redemption.
And what a redemption it is! Truly memorable in all of the right ways.
Alice and the Vampire Queen will rise February 13th on digital from Breaking Glass Pictures. Good taste is essential!
MPAA Rating: Unrated.
Runtime: 90 mins
Director: Dan Lantz
Writer: Dan Lantz
Cast: Shelby Hightower; Graham Wolfe; Rachel Aspen
Genre: Horror
Memorable Movie Quote: "It's very simple, I'll pay you five hundred dollars to cook a single dish."
Distributor: Breaking Glass Pictures
Official Site:
Release Date: Available on digital February 13, 2024
DVD/Blu-ray Release Date:
Synopsis: the film fixes on an ex-con, Alice Oldman, who struggles to overcome her past scars. A mysterious stranger offers her a deal: create one special dish for his boss, the Vampire Queen.