You know the buzz machine is in full steam ahead mode with no one at the wheel when word of the forthcoming arrival of a movie trailer is making the news rounds. Yes folks, we're indeed reporting on next week's arrival of a movie trailer. But then again, it's not just any trailer.
Next week Sony will reportedly release, in the U.S., a trailer for David Fincher's take on Niels Arden Oplev's highly popular, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. A red-band version of the trailer hit European theaters this week and SlashFilm managed to cop some hand-held footage (which you can see below) in its 98-minute entirety. We here in the U.S. are anticipating the official release of a neutered green-band version of the trailer on this coming Thursday, June 2. Stay tuned.
There's some pretty cool stuff going on in the trailer including the backing by Trent Reznor's rendition of Led Zeppelin's The Immigrant Song. We would have liked to have gotten a few better looks of Rooney Mara as the rough-hewn, leather-wearing biker chick Lisbeth Salander who is tasked with investigating the mysterious disappearance of a high-profile member of a secretive Swedish family.
We've been treated to a few awesome Mara stills, but seeing her in action would really, really tickle our fancy. Especially considering how crucial her character was to the success of the Swedish version of the story. Noomi Rapace knocked it out of the park with her Lisbeth in Oplev's version. There's also a pretty cool tagline - "The Feel Bad Movie of Christmas" - making an appearance near the end of the trailer that hints at what we hope to be a gritty Fincher edge to the film. Fingers crossed.
The American version of the films is slated for a December 21st release of this year. Daniel Craig is depicting disgraced journalist Michael Blomqvist from the late Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy of novels which included The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. Larsson's novel's spent weeks on the best-seller's list and the three film's represented the highest grossing movies in Swedish film history.
You can check out a rough version of the trailer below (our apologies), but we'll update with the official U.S. version as soon as we get it.
UPDATED: The official green-band trailer (safe for U.S. consumption) has now been released. See it below: